pSpark® I

For highly Efficient, Accurate & Robust general Cloning from PCR High Fidelity fragments, without toxic genes use

pSpark® I is a highly efficient, accurate and easy-to-use DNA cloning System based on a novel breakthrough technology to generate blunt vectors with a high blunt cloning efficiency.

The vector is prepared by digestion of pSpark® at the EcoRV site before treating both ends to prevent vector self-ligation. The end treatment is supported by a proprietary know-how that guarantees a higher cloning efficiency than with simply a desphorylated vector.

Price: 175.00 

SKU: C0001 Categories: ,

Detailed information:

Advantages & Features
  • Unprecedented high cloning efficiency: more than 2,500 positive colonies expected under optimal conditions.
  • Easy-to-use: eliminate recombinant screening due to its minumum background (lower than 1%), avoiding “suicide” strategies from toxic genes.
  • Time-saving protocol: no hidden steps such as phosphorylation, just ligation after PCR and transformation.
  • High stability: eliminates cloning bias or pitfalls.
  • Powerful: clone from less than 1 ng/kb, obtain 5-fold more positive colonies using 10x less DNA insert.
  • Compatible with blue/white screening.
  • Great versatility: compatible with any protocol, proofreading polymerase, competent cells, ligation time or primers.
  • Sensitive: clone from 50 bp insert to up to 14 kb with just 5 ng per kb of insert.
  • Eliminates positive selection vector.
  • High cost-saving: reduces your cloning costs as no expensive phosphorylated primers are needed.
  • Robust for every DNA size: just 6.7 ng per kb of insert needed for optimal ligation.

– 20 rxn pSpark® I (20 ng/µL)
– 20 µL T4 DNA Ligase (5 Weiss U/µL)
– 100 µL T4 DNA Ligase Buffer (10x)
– 150 µL PEG 6000 (10x)
– 5 µL Insert Control 1 kb (20 ng/µL)

Download documentation
  • General cloning.
  • Cloning of High Fidelity PCR amplified products.
  • Production of ssDNA.
  • Blue/white screening for recombinants.
  • In vitro transcription from T7/SP6 dual-opposed promoters.
Tables & Figures


Quality Control
  • Functional test using a 1.0 kb PCR fragment.
  • Recommendations: All pSpark® DNA cloning vectors are stable for at least 1 month at 4 °C and even at 20 – 25 °C for up to 2 days although storage temperatures above -20 °C are not recommended. In case of incident, such as a power failure, stored vectors should be tested with the supplied control insert before considering discarding it. However, please note that T4 DNA Ligase is extremely temperature-sensitive and storage temperatures above       -20 °C inactivates the enzyme.
Storage, Shipping & Guarantee
  • Shipped in: Gel Pack.
  • Storage: -20 ºC (NON Frost-Free Freezer).
Safety Statements

This product is developed, designed and sold exclusively for Research purposes and in vitro use only (RUO). The product was not tested for use in diagnostics or for drug development, nor is it suitable for administration to humans or animals. For more info, please check its Material Safety Data Sheet available in this website.

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