Bst DNA Polymerase

Ready for LAMP (Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplification)

Large Fragment of Bst DNA Polymerase, Exonuclease Minus, is isolated from a Bacillus stearothermophilus. It catalyzes 5’ 3’ synthesis of DNA and lacks 5’ 3’ and 3’ 5’ exonuclease activities.

Source:  A recombinant E. coli strain carrying the Bst DNA Polymerase gene (Large fragment).

Price: 132.03 

SKU: P0045 Categories: ,

Detailed information:

Advantages & Features
  • High Purity: greater than 99% confirmed by SDS PAGE.
  • Reverse transcription activity.
  • Optimized: Increased activity.
  • Strong strand displacement activity.

Unit definition:
One unit catalyzes the incorporation of 10 nmol of dNTP into acid-insoluble material in 30 minutes at 65 C in 20 mMTris-HCl pH 8.8, 10 mM (NH4)2SO4,10 mM KCl, 2 mM MgSO4, 0.1% Triton X-100, 30 nM M13mp18 ssDNA, 70 nMM13 sequencing primer(-47) 24-mer 200 µM dGTP, dATP, dTTP, dCTP (a mix of unlabeled and [33P]dCTP) and 0.1 mg/mL BSA.


– Bst DNA Polymerase (8 U/μL)
– Reaction Buffer (10x)
– 100mM MgSO4 solution

Download documentation
  • Nucleic acid amplification methods.
  • Whole genome amplification.
  • Multiple displacement amplification.
  • DNA Sequencing.


Some uses for this product may require licenses. Canvax does not encourage or support the unauthorized or unlicensed use of patented nucleic acid amplification processes for isothermal amplification, whole genome amplification (WGA), multiple displacement amplification (MDA), and Next Generation sequencing. It is the sole responsibility of the buyer to ensure that use of the product does not infringe the patent rights of third parties.
Tables & Figures

Quality Control
  • Purity: >99% by SDS PAGE.
  • Exempt of nucleases (endo-, exo and ribonucleases) activities guaranteed by appropriate quality tests.
  • 10 µL of the enzyme was tested for E. coli genomic DNA contamination by PCR amplifying with the E.coli 16S ribosomal primers.
Storage, Shipping & Guarantee
  • Shipped in: Gel pack.
  • Storage: -20 °C (NON Frost-Free Freezer).
Safety Statements

This product is developed, designed and sold exclusively for Research purposes and in vitro use only (RUO). The product was not tested for use in diagnostics or for drug development, nor is it suitable for administration to humans or animals. For more info, please check its Material Safety Data Sheet available in this website.

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