CVX™ Saliva Viral Sample Collec. & Stab. Kit

For a safe and rapid all-in-one procedure for the collection, stabilization, and transportation of Saliva samples

CVX™ Saliva Viral Sample Collection & Stabilization Kit provide a safe and rapid all-in-one procedure for the collection, stabilization, and transportation of 1 mL Saliva samples at ambient temperature that stabilizes DNA/RNA viral from the moment of collection.

Saliva sample are collected by spitting inside the collection funnel which has been assembled with the collection tube. After collecting 1 ml of saliva the contents of saliva preservation solution are added and mixed with the collected saliva. Then, the saliva collection tube is sent to the laboratory for DNA/RNA isolation.

Price: 73.45 349.69 

SKU: SCP021 Categories: ,

Detailed information:

Advantages & Features
  • Special buffer composition that allows to preserve samples at Ambient Temperature (DNA>1 year; RNA up to 1 month)
  • Easily self-collect.
  • Safe and Easy: Non-invasive, painless, easy to handle. Inactivate microorganisms and viruses for safe and easy transport and handling.
  • Cost-effective: allows to ship saliva samples at room temperature, avoiding dry ice.
  • High Quality and integrity of DNA/RNA isolated.
  • Versatile: compatible with most DNA and RNA isolation methods.

Includes for 100 rxn:
– 100 Saliva Collection Tubes
– 100 Funnels
– 800 µL Proteinase K Solution 160 µL
-100 Microtubes (0.5 mL)

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Designed for collecting, and transporting saliva specimens containing viruses from patients with signs and symptoms of respiratory infection and subsequent sample processing prior Direct PCR.

Tables & Figures

Quality Control
  • Strict quality controls in every manufacturing step to guarantee the highest quality and reproducibility.

Do not eat, drink, smoke or chew gum at least 30 min prior to saliva collection. Collecting 1 mL of saliva may require several minutes. Putting some grains of sugar on the tongue helps to produce saliva and does not interfere with the stabilization.

Storage, Shipping & Guarantee
  • Shipped in: Ambient Temperature.
  • Storage: kit components should be stored at Room Temperature.
Safety Statements

This product is developed, designed and sold exclusively for research purposes (RUO Mark). The product was not tested for use in diagnostics or for drug development, nor is it suitable for administration to humans or animals. Please refer to for Material Safety Data Sheet of the product.

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